What type of animal is a yellow-tailed woolly monkey?

The yellow-tailed woolly monkey, Oreonax flavicuada, is an intelligent and curious monkey species that is diurnal and arboreal by nature. They were first categorized in the genus of Lagothrix and Oreonax is considered a subgenus of Lagothrix. They are known as the New World monkeys of Peru.

Fun Yellow-tailed Woolly Monkey Facts For Kids

What do they prey on? Fruits, leaves, small insects, flowers

What do they eat? Herbivores and frugivorous

Average litter size? 1

How much do they weigh? 12-27 lb (5.5-12 kg)

How long are they? 20-21 in (51-53.5 cm)

How tall are they? N/A

What do they look like? Brown and yellow

Skin Type Hair and fur

What were their main threats? Humans

What is their conservation status? Critically Endangered

What do they prey on? Fruits, leaves, small insects, flowers

What do they eat? Herbivores and frugivorous

Average litter size? 1

How much do they weigh? 12-27 lb (5.5-12 kg)

How long are they? 20-21 in (51-53.5 cm)

How tall are they? N/A

What do they look like? Brown and yellow

Skin Type Hair and fur

What were their main threats? Humans

What is their conservation status? Critically Endangered

What do they prey on?

Fruits, leaves, small insects, flowers

What do they eat?

Herbivores and frugivorous

Average litter size?


How much do they weigh?

12-27 lb (5.5-12 kg)

How long are they?

20-21 in (51-53.5 cm)

How tall are they?


What do they look like?

Brown and yellow

Skin Type

Hair and fur

What were their main threats?


What is their conservation status?

Critically Endangered

Where you’ll find them? Tropical And Cloud Forest

Kingdom Animalia

Genus Oreonax

Class Mammalia

Family Atelidae

Where you’ll find them?

Tropical And Cloud Forest


Kingdom Animalia

Genus Oreonax





Class Mammalia

Family Atelidae



