James Polk Birthday Highlights

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

James Polk Facts

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia

About James K. Polk James K. Polk is indeed one of the most known figures in America. James K. Polk served America as the 11th president of the country.James K. Polk was first seen as the 13th speaker of the House of Representatives. Later in his political career, he started becoming famous as the protege and close friend of Andrew Jackson.James K. Polk had a very vast political career, and he also served Tennessee as its ninth Governor. During his time in Tennessee, James learned a lot about politics and soon he became a notable figure across America. James was known to enforce law practice in Tennessee and was elected again to the state legislature in 1823. After his time in Tennessee, James wanted to serve the country and started aiming for the position of vice president. During that time, James sold many of his estates in Tennessee to focus on elections for the vice president. James K. Polk was also elected to the United States House of Representatives in the late 1830s.Childhood And EducationJames was born in a countryside cabin in Pineville on November 2, 1795. He was born and raised in Mecklenburg County, North Carolina. James lived in a big family and he was the eldest out of 10 children. James was born into a family of farmers and most of his days were spent on the farm helping his family. His father was a slaveholder and was of Irish descent. James’ family had different beliefs and his mother dearly believed in Presbyterian. However, his father didn’t believe in Christianity, which caused trouble during James’ baptism. In the end, the priest didn’t end up baptizing James.This big family in North Carolina survived on farming and the family’s children quickly started taking interest in politics. After moving to Maury county, Samuel Polk, father of James, became the judge of the county and started inviting his many friends into his home. One of those friends was the famous Andrew Jackson. James was later known as the protege of Andrew Jackson. James grew up to be an opponent of the federalist party and later he joined the democratic convention in his own political career.Polk had very fragile health when he was a child. As a result, his father often used to take him to the nearby Philadelphia physician. On one such occasion, the doctor diagnosed urinary stones and operated on James. As an adult, James was unable to have children, which some people believe resulted from the operation he had as a child.James’s father asked James to join his business, however James was more interested in studying. He joined the nearby Presbyterian Academy in 1813. In Tennessee, James also joined the Zion Church Academy before being admitted to the University of North Carolina. During his admission to the University of North Carolina, James was a second-semester student. During his college life, Polk was roommates with William Dun Moseley, who also went into politics and became the first Governor of Florida.Family And RelationshipsPolk grew up with his 10 siblings and around his father’s political acquaintance. This upbringing is no doubt a significant factor in why Polk grew up with such a huge interest in politics. As a young man he soon began his journey from the Governor of Tennessee to the President of the USA.Who was James K. Polk married to?James was married to Sarah Childress Polk. Sarah belonged to one of the most well-known and prominent families in the town. Thus, because of that, Sarah was very educated, far more educated than any woman of that time. Sarah was deeply involved in assisting her husband with many kinds of campaigns or speeches. Sarah was known to be graceful and very intelligent and often advised James on many matters.Career And Professional HighlightsJames was a well-educated man and grew up taking a huge interest in politics. His father was a judge in the county where they lived, thus it was natural for James to also start his career in politics. Polk’s first political dream was to be a member of the Tennessee House of Representatives. Locally, the Polk family had a very good presence, which favored James in his political career in Tennessee. Polk was given the position of colonel on the staff of Governor William Caroll. because of this, he became very famous around the town and was often referred to as ‘Colonel’. During this part of his career, Polk was under the guidance of Grundy who was also known as his mentor. However, Polk and Grundy started to have differences in opinion and soon Polk started becoming more in support of the opinions of Andrew Jackson. Andrew was also very close to the families of both Polks and Childress. Sarah used to refer to Andrew as Uncle Andrew.Best Known For…James is best known for America’s territorial expansion as his time at president. He added the states Texas, Iowa, and Wisconsin. After becoming the President, Polk negotiated with Great Britain to extend the Oregon territory. Polk wanted to acquire some of the nearby lands in New Mexico, which didn’t go as smoothly and led to war between New Mexico and America. Polk talked with the British with great interest to set the northern borders at the south of Vancouver Island. This helped the US to gain an exceeding amount of land on the Pacific coast in 1846. James is famous as the one and only president of America who bought so much land for the country.Due to Polk’s close ties with Andrew, he was also known as a Jackson by the public and he is known to be the last Jackson to stay in the White House before the civil war broke in the country. Polk promised the common folks of America to only serve them as their president once and as his presidentship tenure was over, he left the White House and returned to Nashville.Charity WorkThe American franchise was led by James Polk to eliminate the practice of prostitution in support of poor women.James K. Polk’s Hobbies And InterestsFrom a young age, James was interested in politics and even farming.Other Interesting James K. Polk Facts And TriviaJames was against the concept of the electoral college.Polk was also the youngest president of the United States. Polk started work as the president in 1845 when he was only 49 years old.Texas was offered annexation by Congress before Polk took the oath of office.James played an important role during the American-Mexican war. He was the one who spoke in great favor of the annexation of Texas.James wanted a war between Mexico and America in the year 1846. He laid down many reasons for the Congress. One such was that Mexicans killed 11 U.S soldiers by crossing Rio in their very own home country.James had very poor health since childhood and after retiring, while he and Sarah were on the journey to Nashville, they got cholera while they were passing through contaminated zones.James is known to have the shortest retirement time of any president until today, since he died just three months after his retirement at the age of 53 years.James believed that Texas was originally a part of Louisiana and therefore the annexation of Texas for him was very crucial.James was buried in his hometown itself, which is Nashville, Tennessee.During the timeline of 1845 to 1846, James wanted to declare war against Mexico.James was known as the dark horse candidate, as people didn’t expect him to win over his opponent.James was elected in the year 1844, as a result of the rigorous campaign run by him.Main image credit: Everett Collection /Shutterstock

James Polk Birthday Highlights

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

James Polk Facts

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia

James K. Polk is indeed one of the most known figures in America. James K. Polk served America as the 11th president of the country.James K. Polk was first seen as the 13th speaker of the House of Representatives. Later in his political career, he started becoming famous as the protege and close friend of Andrew Jackson.James K. Polk had a very vast political career, and he also served Tennessee as its ninth Governor. During his time in Tennessee, James learned a lot about politics and soon he became a notable figure across America. James was known to enforce law practice in Tennessee and was elected again to the state legislature in 1823. After his time in Tennessee, James wanted to serve the country and started aiming for the position of vice president. During that time, James sold many of his estates in Tennessee to focus on elections for the vice president. James K. Polk was also elected to the United States House of Representatives in the late 1830s.

James Polk Birthday Highlights

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

James Polk Birthday Highlights

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

Birth Name

Place Of Birth Nashville, United states Age 228 years old

Birth Date February 11 1795

James Polk Facts

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia

James Polk Facts

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia

Child Star? no Occupation President Education & Qualifications University of North Carolina

Current Partner Sarah Childress Polk Parents Samuel Polk, Jane Polk Siblings John, Jane, Marshall, William, Naomi, Samuel, Franklin, Lydia, Ophelia